Being selected as finalists in the prestigious 1Minute Projection Mapping Competition 2024 in Tokyo was a profound milestone for Machineast. This incredible event, organized by the Projection Mapping Association of Japan and supported by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, brought together some of the most innovative and talented creators from around the globe.

The competition's theme, "Mirror," challenged us to delve deep into our creative process, pushing boundaries to create a piece that reflected both the spirit of the theme and the architectural grandeur of the Meiji Memorial Picture Gallery. It was an exhilarating opportunity to explore new dimensions of storytelling through light and space.

Tokyo, with its vibrant energy and rich creative culture, has always been a source of inspiration for us. Every visit reinforces our belief in the power of art to bring people together, and this journey was no exception. Meeting visionary creators from diverse backgrounds reminded us of the universal language of creativity that transcends boundaries.

マシネストが「1Minute Projection Mapping Competition 2024」でファイナリストに選ばれたことは、大きな節目となりました。この名誉あるイベントは、日本プロジェクションマッピング協会が主催し、東京都の支援のもと開催され、世界中から集まった革新的で才能豊かなクリエイターたちが競い合いました。



Photos by MaybeFuture


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